Monday, September 8, 2008

Google Reigns as World’s Most Powerful 10-Year-Old

As I’ve been learning more and more about various search engines and Internet pages, I decided to take a look and research the world’s most popular search engine, Google. I read an article including a brief history of Google and how it slowly worked its way up in the world. It started with two men, Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google with only four computers and a $100,000 investment loan. Ten years later, it is now a $150 billion company with nearly 20,000 employees and has earned itself the title of being the most prosperous search engine that changed the world.

            With its outstanding popularity and wealth, there have of course created some problems. With the overflow of use and expansion, Google has naturally run into some trafficking issues and regulatory watch. Google keeps “pushing the envelope” as far as regulations, publicity, and availability. Google is now accessible in an easy search box at the top of every Internet browser possible and is the primary search tool on every cell phone and wireless device. Little do we realize it but Google really is taking over the world, or the Internet world. With Page’ and Brin’s very hard work, they are now worth $19 billion a piece.

            Google really has made all of our lives a great deal easier. With one click of a mouse we have every bit of information we could ever hope for. YouTube, Gmail, GoogleEarth, and many others have given us the world at our fingertips. Other companies, like Yahoo and AskJeeves, have fallen off the radar as far as opportunity. There simply is no competition with Google. so why should we try to hinder its capabilities? In my opinion, Google is going to take us places we never thought possible. The sky is the limit!

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